Next WIN Meeting: Zionism, Behind the Myths- Sunday, February 4th, 2024

Internationalist Standpoint is working together and developing closer relations with Workers International Network- read our joint statement here


 A Workers’ International Network meeting – Zionism: Behind the Myths – Sunday 4th February 2024 at 4pm GMT

5 pm in central Europe and Nigeria, 6 pm in Greece, Cyprus, South Africa and Namibia, 7pm in Turkey, 9 pm in Pakistan, 9-30 pm in India and Sri Lanka, midnight in the Philippines and Taiwan, 8 am in California and 11am in New York.

The horrors of the current genocidal war by Israel against the people of Gaza have focused renewed attention worldwide on the role of Zionism, which describes itself as “the national liberation movement of the Jewish people”.

Spokespersons for the Israeli state claim that Jews needed to create their own nation state to be safe from the dangers of antisemitism, and they chose to create it on land that had long had a substantial Jewish presence. This argument was especially powerful in the wake of the Holocaust.

But has Israel made Jews safer? What price was paid by the Palestinian people, who were also seeking their self-determination there, and their freedom from imperial domination?

To what extent was Zionism supported by Jewish communities before the Holocaust? What were the motives behind the Balfour declaration, and for British support for the foundation of the Israeli state? And why are growing numbers of Jews in Britain and the US joining movements that challenge Zionism today?

Come to our meeting to hear

David Rosenberg of the Jewish Socialists’ Group

present an alternative political history of Zionism and anti-Zionism.

Join here  

Meeting ID: 857 3030 0092
Passcode: 551879

Find your local number here 

The Workers’ International Network is a worldwide network of labour activists fighting for socialism. We hold meetings every week bringing together activists from the front line of struggles worldwide to review collectively the lessons of their experiences.  WIN meetings are recorded and posted online. If you have concerns about any personal security implications, once you have joined the meeting and before the recording has started you may wish to create an alternative ID and switch off your video. 

Recordings of our WIN meetings over the last three years can all be viewed on our YouTube channel here and on WIN’s website here

You can watch recordings of the entire recent WIN conference and read the greetings messages from around the world here.

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